About my golf life, so far.


I was born in Durban, South Africa, and later immigrated to Australia where I became a proud citizen. I was fortunate to live just off one of the many beautiful bays in Sydney harbor, Australia after having lived previously in the capital, Canberra. In 2010, I moved to Dallas with my wife and am now officially a “Texan by Choice”.

United States
South Africa


started playing golf as a 15-year old and over the next few years Improved to a low teens handicap. The game was always a fun diversion from my work and career as a semi-professional rugby player, and later as a competitive squash player. When the time came to turn the page on contact sports, I began to play golf with a greater sense of purpose. My handicap dropped to single figures, and I competed weekly in club competitions.

Michael Lortan, USGTF Golf Instructor

In 2007, I bought my wife a set of golf clubs and my teaching career began. Within two years of first picking up a club, she was down to a 16 handicap (reaching a low of 8), and had begun playing in club and inter-club competitions.

The success of her improvement and my enjoyment for teaching, led at first to informal instruction, but then later formal instruction of friends, acquaintances and referrals. Later, after qualifying as a USGTF Golf Teaching Professional, my teaching career evolved into helping new and recently hooked golfers, both male and female, young and old, to better enjoy the game.

I view teaching as a passion first and an occupation second. I am committed to helping students improve whether they be a beginner, intermediate or a skilled golfer.

See what other students have been saying.

Michael & Cyndi Lortan


Like most golfers, I have suffered from most (if not all) of the general swing and putting defects, and yet succeeded in becoming a low single-digit handicap golfer through a combination of self-diagnosis and study. This understanding and empathy is why I am well-equipped to help recreational golfers get more enjoyment out of the game.

The LORTAN GOLF company and website was initially conceived for 2 reasons: first to fulfill my experience and passion for golf instruction and second to market and sell a range of golf related products. Since mid-2018, I have designed and have been developing a range of unique golf gadgets (patent-pending). With the formation of LORTAN GOLF, I was able to Integrate my primary Golf Instruction business into LORTAN GOLF, which will help the organization to grow a brand to develop both areas of the business.

I look forward to connecting with you!

Michael Lortan, Lortan Golf